Simple Emacs Configuration
C source code indent
(setq-default c-basic-offset 4)
Change Major mode
M-x obj-mode / M-x c-mode / M-x java-mode
Using Abbreviations
Emacs can automatically correct your spelling mistake as you type (such as correcting "thier" with "their"), or expand your own abbreviations for full word (such as replacing "Indie" with "Independent"). Emacs can do this when you enable the "Abbrev" minor mode.
Add the following code to your ~/.emacs file to enable the Abbrev minor mode, to load in abbreviations from ~/.abbrev_defs and to save changes you make to the abbreviations table when you exit Emacs.
To display a list of the current abbreviations Emacs uses, enter the command list-abbrevs.
Highlight Current Line
To make Emacs highlight the line the curosr is currently on, add the following to your ~/.emacs :
Set Indent Size
To set the standard indent size to some value other than default add the following to your ~/.emacs :
Line-by-Line Scrolling
By default Emacs will scroll the buffer by several lines whenever the cursor goes above or below the current view. The cursor is also returned to the middle-line of the current view.
This can be confusing to work with since the cursor appears to jump around. If you prefer to have the cursor remain at the top or bottom of the screen as scrolling takes place then use:
Turn Off Tab Character
To stop Emacs from entering the tab character into your files (when you press the "tab" key) add the following to your ~/.emacs :
Enable Wheel-Mouse Scrolling
By default Emacs does not respond to actions of a scroll button on a wheel mouse; however, it can be made to do so with a simple configuration entry:
Prevent Backup File Creation
By default Emacs will automatically create backups of your open files (these are the files with the ~ character appended to the filename). Add the following to your ~/.emacs to prevent these backup files from being created :
Saving Backup Files to a Specific Directory
Backup files can occassionally be usful, so rather than completely disabelling them, Emacs can be configured to place them in a specified directory. Do this by adding the following to your ~/.emacs files:
Enable Line and Column Numbering
Emacs can display the current line and column number on which the cursor currently resides. The numbers appear in the mode-line :
Set Fill Column
The fill column influences how Emacs justifies paragraphs. For best results choose a value less than 80:
Enable Auto Fill mode
Auto fill is useful when editing text files. Lines are automatically wrapped when the cursor goes beyond the column limit :
Treat New Buffers as Text
Specify that new buffers should be treated as text files:
Set Basic Colours
Emacs does allow the various colours it uses for highlighting code to be configured by the user. However a quick way to set the basic colours used f or all buffers is:
Delete the Current Line
In order to provide Emacs with a key for deleting the current line an appropriate delete-line function has to be first defined, and then a key-sequence binding defined to invoke it :
(defvar previous-column nil "Save the column position")
(defun nuke-line()
"Kill an entire line, including the trailing newline character" (interactive)(setq previous-column (current-column))
(if (= (current-column) 0)
(delete-char 1)(progn
(beginning-of-line) (kill-line) (delete-char 1) (move-to-column previous-column))))(global-set-key [f8] 'nuke-line)